Safe warning of ethylene oxide sterilization process for powder articles

Release: Time:2018-04-02 Browse:6041

Thank you for your trust and support in our sterilizers. In view of the particularity of ethylene oxide sterilization for your powder articles and the safe use of sterilizers, we hereby make the following safe warning and instructions to your company:

    1. Powder articles must be packed with packing materials before sterilization. Without proper packaging, powder articles may fly in sterilizers so that they collide with each other and produce static electricity or even sparks; ethylene oxide gas is combustible and explosive, and there is a risk of explosion inside sterilizers. Recently, some customers have confronted with the situation that risks happen due to the lack of proper packaging of powder articles in sterilization.

    2. Select ventilated packing materials without powder permeability before the addition of powder, which destroys the limit condition of explosion and is beneficial to vacuum treatment and nitrogen filling; furthermore, we also recommend that you choose nitrogen replacement during the cleaning process of sterilization.

    3. Way to control vacuum: we recommend that you set up pulse mode to pump vacuum before the addition of powder. That is to say, pump 10 kPa, stop for 2 minutes, then continue pumping 10 kPa. Have a pulse in turn until setted vacuum pressure. The vacuum at the cleaning stag should also be pumped by pulse, and filters on releasing valves should not be dismantled for ensuring a slow speed of releasing.

    4. Our company provides technical support for safety consultation of sterilization process: